Max loves Julia. And Julia is far away. He is in Dortmund and she is in Hamburg. Max misses her and books a romantic hotel on the North Sea coast in Sankt Peter Ording. In the Deutsche Bahn online shop, he buys one ticket from Hamburg to Sankt Peter Ording, and one from Dortmund.
He prints out Julia’s ticket and encloses it in a red envelope with a love letter. He puts the letter in to a parcel full of chocolate hearts. Then he scans the franking code on the parcel using the SmartFrank app and attaches the video message he recorded for Julia with his iPhone.
“Julia, my love! I miss you sooo much! Please take the 12.46 train to Sankt Peter Ording on Friday and enjoy the chocolate hearts. There will be a surprise waiting for you on the platform when you arrive. I love you, sweetheart!”.
Max draws a red heart around the franking code. Then he takes the parcel to the post office and the parcel is sent to Julia via express delivery. The next day, both make their train journeys to Sankt Peter Ording and Max meets his sweetheart at the train station in Sankt Peter Ording with a bunch of roses. Happy ending.
SmartFrank can do even more!
Max and Julia’s story is only the beginning of the possibilities available with personalised mailings in the C2C industry. SmartFrank is going viral and offers typical messenger functions for all common digital codes, even for the digital data matrix codes of postal service providers.
Far larger areas of B2C application for letter, postcard and parcel deliveries are afforded by SmartFrank’s functionality.
Three fictitious examples:

LMax orders a bouquet of red roses for Julia in an online flower shop. With the flower shop SmartFrank app he scans the code on the screen and stored in the code his video message of love. Max invites Julia with the app via SMS to Smart Frank and announces a surprise.
The code used by Max is also printed on all sales packaging, i.e. it is always the same code. With SmartFrank this code will be personalized.
On receipt of the roses Julia is excited about Max and SmartFrank! She shares the great idea with her friends on Facebook and WhatsApp.
Flowers Greetings become emotional and memorable moments with SmartFrank. This is viral marketing at its best.

Let’s imagine that Julia bought her cheap Samsung smartphone two years ago on Amazon. Samsung now acquires all the parcel codes of Amazon customers who bought cheap Samsung smartphones on Amazon longer than one year ago. Julia is one of these customers. On the franking code of the delivery of her next Amazon order, she will receive a great, personalised video for a new Samsung smartphone with a direct link to the webshop.
Everyone wins: Samsung optimises its conversion rate, Amazon makes a profit by selling its addresses and through additional turnover. And Julia receives an offer perfectly tailored to her.

Max drives a Volkswagen and regularly receives invitations to events from VW. To date, he has not paid them any attention. Today, Max receives his first direct mail from VW, personalised with SmartFrank. Max downloads the app, scans the franking code and the salesman at his dealership personally invites Max for a test drive in the new VW beetle cabriolet. Max finds the idea cool and accepts the invitation at the end of the video.
Customers feel much more emotionally and effectively addressed with personalised advertising messages. Direct mails are a direct connection to the digital world and increase success rates. It’s as easy as that.

Every month Julia receives a statement from her bank. Since the start of this month, using the franking code of the letter Julia has been able to call up additional banking information with her bank app, e.g. higher rates of interest by investment savings, as well as other offers tailored to her. Naturally with a personal message and access to all functions of the new bank app.
Customers who are personally addressed feel that they are better looked-after and are more receptive to customised and tailored offers. Through the high appeal of the SmartFrank features, app usage and customer retention increases.